At the heart of everything we do is the commitment to be Always There for you, whether it’s responding to an alarm or an email.

Our portfolio of IT Security services includes high-tech security systems, software that will detect network intrusion, dedicated firewall systems, Proxy services, Penetration tests and Vulnerability Scanning.

Ghostsword has been operating since 2003, and we strongly believe in keeping up with the new developments in IT Security. We are old in the game, but young in our hearts.

At the end of the day, it’s our people who keep you safe, not our company. So, we scrutinize every one of our team members to ensure they’re not only the best fit, but at their best when you need them to be. This means that when an emergency arises, you’re getting the best quality candidate responding to your need.

Once employed, all candidates undergo rigorous training, which is maintained throughout their time with us.